Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Letter 88

March 25, 2013


Gee golly wiz. It sounds like Dad has been grillin’ his little heart away this week! I'm glad to hear that the family is doing well and that Grandpa and Grandma Stewart are still doing well. I'm looking forward to seeing them when I get home. Giving Grandpa Stewart a hug is like hugging a tree he's so darn strong! And I'm really happy to hear that they are healthy. Well as healthy as old people can be :) haha just kidding. Also I've been wondering for basically my whole mission... What the heck is a CAZOOKIE?! Everyone is eating them (especially Madi and her friends) and telling me about them and I don’t know what they are. I think its just a ginormous cookie... but I would love some clarification. Thank you.

This week was really good for Elder Hobbs and I. Last week I had a District Leader Training with the Zone Leaders and we talked a lot about picking up the ANIMO in our districts and being more positive! We brainstormed some ideas and made some plans to relay them to our districts and we all felt really confident about it. We also talked about how we all need to start focusing on finding FAMILIES. We received a commitment to plan a family that we were going to take to the Lord and ask him to help us find. Elder Hobbs and I were able to do that this week and the whole week we were talking about "the family". The whole week we were struggling with our finding, then on Friday we found the coveted FAMILY! We had talked to the dad a few days before and set up a return appointment to offer a blessing on his home. When we came back he had forgotten about the appointment but told us to come back in an hour when his whole family was there. About an hour later he pulled us over on our bikes and said that he was really sorry and that he was going to be going to Harlingen right then and then invited us to come to dinner with he and his family that night at 7. So we did and had dinner with this amazing family that almost exactly matched the family that we planned! After dinner we had a great lesson and set some expectations and set another visit for this Weds. We'll be on exchanges that day so hopefully Elder Hobbs and Elder Stevens can set BDs with them all and get them committed to church! They are such a beautiful family and I want to baptize them so bad! We found some other investigators this week as well but nothing else that’s new really.

Michael Lastra was confirmed this week. After his confirmation he just got our of the chair and walked back to sit with his family with a big smile on his face lookin’ like a million bucks, without shaking any of the brothers' hands who confirmed him (one of whom was the bishop)! Haha I was laughing to myself in the foyer. They are such a great family.

There are some big changes happening in my district. One of the companionships of sisters is getting mid-transfered to open up an area that has been closed for some time and then Elders are coming to take their place. It should be pretty exciting! It’s sad that the sisters wont be in my district anymore, but I’m excited to work with some more elders and go on exchanges in a new area.

Other than that there isn’t really anything new going on! Have a great week! The Lord lives and loves us. ALWAYS REMEMBER HIM!

-Elder Jordan Stewart

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