Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Letter 41

March 26, 2012


This week was a little rough for our area. Last week Elder Leiva and I set some pretty high goals that we thought we would definitely be able to reach together. All of them were set with people in mind, but I think we could have been a little more prudent with them. The switch of companions was a little unexpected and it was definitely hard on the area and our goals. Both of us are still trying to find our way around, meet members, and help our investigators. So this week we've lowered are goals a little bit. We still have the people, but with the change in the area we need to plan a lot smarter. Also with E.Rightmier's knee we have to go to the doctor and we cant tract much, so we'll have to work a lot smarter. Its a humbling expierence to say the least, but we'll be fine if we do all that we can and leave the rest to the Lord.

Jesse and Krystal are doing great. They are still just waiting for that letter. It should probably be coming after conference. But Jesse will be leaving to work in Georgia for a while. His mom's fiance got him the job and since he's on parol its the only option right now. He should be back by Easter, so maybe we'll have an Easter Baptism! Krystal said she's still going to come to church even without Jesse.

That referral from last week never got a hold of us, but we're going to keep trying. I think she just had to work a lot. She's got a crazy work schedule.

Yesterday we did have a baptism though! Roxanne Rodriguez (18) is one of our newest members and she's happy as can be! She was starting to have some doubts the friday before. She texted us and told us that she wasnt ready and that she didnt want to be baptized this Sunday. So, Elder Rightmier and I went over and gave her a piece of our minds! haha nah... she was just nervous. There wasnt any doctrinal issue... just cold feet. But we assured her that everything would be ok and that she had recieved an answer that it was right. She said that she knew it was true and that she would be baptized. The next day we went over to teach her one last thing and she looked great! No more nerves!

Other than that we're just trying to find some new investies... We taught this one guy about the Book of Mormon and showed him the picture of Jesus appearing to the Nephites and he was like,"Wow thats really interesting! I never knew that!" hahaha everyone says that. We're like,"Yep its pretty crazy huh?" haha anyways.. he actually came to church this Sunday which I definitely didnt expect! He didnt stay for all three hours though because I think he felt uncomfortable. Oh well.. we'll keep trying.

I'm sorry I totally forgot my camera... I'll try to get you some pictures... I'm a bad son I know.

Man thats too bad for team Voldemort! We totally would have won if I had been home! You'll get em next year boys! I LOVE YOU VOLDEMORT! THE DARK LORD WILL RISE AGAIN!!!

Elder Rightmier is from Olympus Washington. He has been out just as long as me, but he started before me. How does that happen you ask? He started his mission Nov 2010. In the MTC he hurt his ankle and then went to Peru. After a while he got sent home for 8 months to get surgery on his ankle. Then they sent him here. He's been all over the mission with different companionships and he was in Edinburg in a bike area when his knee started to hurt him. He thinks its because of his ankle surgery. Anyway... he needed to be in a car so they sent him to Papa Stewart and the Ford Focus GT. Thats pretty much it. We get a long pretty well. He likes all the same movies and shows that I do. We sing in the car beautiful hymns and he harmonizes with me... so thats fun. It is kinda tough though because he talks a lot about worldly stuff and I'm trying to stop doing that. Its tough for him because he was home for so long... He's kinda like a foster kid... haha nah I just think it gets him down and its hard for him to focus. Im not sure what I can do to help. I've just been trying to be a good example. I'm really trying to be the best "Preach My Gospel Missionary" I can. I am sharpening up those rough edges that I had and I'm really trying to focus on the work.
This week I'll definitely be focusing more on what I can do to better our area as the Senior Companion. I really want to be a good companion and help our area be successful. I'll be praying for strength and guidance from the Lord.

I hope you all have a great week. If anyone wants to write me a letter... that would be nice. LOVE YOOUUU!

-Elder Stewart

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